Sunday, March 11, 2018

Shudder To Think "hit liquor"

Everytime i walk to work i wonder why i don't do it more. It was a brisk March morning, i had to walk up to my bank before going to work so it made my route a pleasant loop. I splurged a little while ago and bought myself some nice headphones and i eagerly hooked them over my head and set out. I had made it half a block before i settled on what music i wanted to listen to. With my ever expanding collection that decision seems to be getting harder every time. I wrestle with the guilt of not listening to recent acquisitions versus the comfort of some long loved album. I decided i wanted to hear #shuddertothink and specifically some of the b-sides on this single/ep. I turned the volume up to a level that blocked out the surrounding city and really listened to the music. I'm still surprised at how familiar music can sometimes sound magnanimously new and in the moment. I've listened to the song "hit liquor " many many times. I already know i love the song, but on this walk it gave me goosebumps. The band switches from muscular riffing to enveloping dissonance to sultry croon all within the confines of a single song. Each part seems necessary and narrative. I've quit trying to make sense of Craig Wedren's lyrics long ago. I've learned to appreciate the sound of the words and the sensations each word invokes rather than try to decode the sequential semantics. I carelessly air guitared and mouthed the lyrics as i walked and the stroll felt comfortable. Like a familiar room. I've trod many of the sidewalks in this city many times. Years of being car-less made it a necessity. I really never minded or dreaded a foot commute and it is because i always had headphones and music to make me unconscious of my steps. Nowadays my time seems to be alot more hectic and it demands that i reduce commutes and thus reduce the time spent with public private music. The soundtracks to the biographical movie in my head. To revisit this for a moment really did wonders for me. It lifted my spirit and i had a really good day at work. I love being reminded of the amazing mystical powers of these songs.

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