Sunday, March 25, 2018

Pigface "fook"

I had a dear friend and roommate who is a very talented and idiosyncratic musician. He would pour over his four-track recorder with his guitar, keyboards and vcr. He composed hours of instrumental music and i would scribble cover art for his cassettes. To me it was like some sort of black magic, he would chain smoke and conjure these prog-rock horror themed epic songs. He worked at the mall chain-record store in town and we would search out weird and innovative music. His favorite band was Skinny Puppy and through the singer Ogre's involvement we discovered the first #pigface album. It was labeled as "industrial" but was way more organic than that genre would imply. We loved it straight away and it got loads of attention from us both. We had heard of the release of this, their sophomore release and through his channels at the record store we were able to special order it upon it's release. I swung by the shop on the day i knew the new releases would arrive. He played coy and shrugged in disappointment before wiggling the jewel case in the air. I asked if he had played it yet but he heroically waited for me. There were a few cd browsers in the store but we couldn't wait to listen to it. He popped it on and the quiet intro to "alles is mine" started its pulsing beeping and he turned up the volume so we could hear it better, assuming it was a poor mastering job. The song suddenly explodes and the volume raises to normal but the effect is a jarring surprise. There was a middle aged mustached man browsing the country section directly under a speaker and i will never forget how high he jumped when that dynamic launched out of the too loud in-store system. I can remember it vividly and it still makes a smile creep across my face. We loved thos disc straight away too. 

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