Saturday, May 18, 2019

King Crimson "red"

The third compact disc that has really stuck with me is "red" by #kingcrimson . It's no secret I am a huge Rush fan, but now that their catalog is finite I have started wondering if there was music in that vein that would appeal to me in the same way. I've tried mining prog "essential records" lists and while I have always liked Yes and Pink Floyd those lists sent me down dead ends of minstrel sounding fluff. I even purchased king crimson's widely lauded debut. Didn't do a thing for me. So I resigned myself to my narrow progressive rock scope. Sometimes seeing a band live will alter the sound of their releases for me. I can gain new angles of reference and perspective on the music. Sometimes this happens when a song is in a movie soundtrack. The material's placement to augment a mood can in turn really change how I hear that song. The awesome psychedelic revenge/horror movie "Mandy" opens with the song "starless" from this album. The creepy artistic vibe of the scene/movie created a very cool music-video for the song. Had I heard the song before seeing the movie I'm not sure I would've picked up on the whole weird/menacing vibe of the whole album. I've been playing this disc daily on the morning drive to take my youngest son to school (until he had had enough and started demanding the "nightmare before christmas" soundtrack) and I started contemplating if I was imprinting a disposition favorable to complicated time signatures in music. When my interest in this cd starts to wane I will try to revisit the other prog discs I have amassed, maybe this release will shed new perspective on those. 

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