Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Rainer Maria "look now look again"

I was in an indie rock band for a few years in the late '90s- early '00s and our spirit animal was #rainermaria  . We were never nearly as good but we consciously and unconsciously emulated them. Listening to this CD even now gives me chills and fills me with nostalgic angst. They were a female fronted trio that played hyper emotional intelligent rock music that was lovingly elitist with rich, poetic lyrics and earnest delivery. Yeah, I love them. It is difficult for me to listen to this and not think of shows on the road with my old band because their discography was always in permanent rotation during the hours spent in that van. I have three favorite shows we got to play: 1) opening a sold-out show for Frank Black in Syracuse 2) playing with Helicopter Helicopter and Tugboat Annie at a sold-out show in Boston at the Middle East and 3) opening for Rainer Maria at our beloved Mohawk Place back home. The show was packed, we shared equipment and Caithlin wrote their contact info in one of my sketchbooks. They killed it that night. It was back when it was just the small stage and the place was packed from the cigarette vending machine to the vinyl jukebox. They say you always love the music from the best time of your life. I've led a charmed life and had quite a few of those eras and each one has a distinct soundtrack but this band owns the year 2000 for me. Salad days. (If you want a glimpse of the period at the start of this band google "palomar sky survey interview" it is cringeworthy in it's awkwardness and I have hardly any tattoos, or beard)

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